Eustice family in New Jersey
My father and his brothers and
sisters in NJ
Eustice family in Ireland
When the Anglo-Normans began to settle in Ireland, they initially
ignored the established Gaelic system for developing of patronymic
names, and relied on their own traditional naming practices.
Eventually, however, the two differing customs drew upon one another
to some degree.
The Anglo-Normans, unlike their Gaelic neighbors, frequently used
nickname surnames. These Anglo-Norman nicknames were frequently of
two types: "oath names" and "imperative names."
Oath names often carried blessings or were formed from habitual
expressions. Imperative names, formed from a verb added to a noun or
an adverb, metaphorically described the bearer's occupations.
The nick name surname Eustice is derived from a nickname for a
Iustas, indicating a fruitful person. This perhaps refers to someone
with many offspring, or with extraordinary agricultural or material
wealth. The Latin form Eustachius was originally derived from a
Greek word which means fruitful.
Spelling variations include: Eustace, Eustice, Eustes,
Eustach, Eustis and others.
Motto Translated: Why persecutest thou me?.
Eustice DNA test
We got the DNA test and it shows that we
closely match the County Clare group. Also match that group on
15 of 16 markers and are one space off on that marker. Our profile
also closely matches the Longford group with 14 of 16 markers
matching and only one space off on those two. This does not
necessarily tell us that our ancestors are from County Clare, but it
does indicate that there probably are common ancestors with the
Clare and probably Longford groups. Our profile is unique from the
other two groups, i.e Kieran's (Fermanagh) group (EY_5) and Daniel
and his son Chris (Dublin) Read more down below......
Patrick Eustice
My father made a phone call to Bob M in South Plainfield.
Here is his answer:
I had no luck finding any burial of Patrick Eustice in the
Fairview Cemetery. There was a Theodore Eustice buried there,
though. He died in 1892 at the age of 50. I don't know what
relationship he would have been to Patrick. I was wondering if you
knew anything about him.
The first address I saw for Patrick in the 1885-86 directory had
him living on Sussex Street, across from Elmer. I don't think that
street exists any more. In 1901 they had him living at 145 Central
Avenue. In 1902 Ricchard is listed at 145 Central and Thomas P. at
36 Sussex. Somehow in 1903 they switched places. Richard is listed
as living in Sussex and Thomas at 145 Central. In 1910 Richard is
at 211 Sussex and Thomas P. and Thomas P. Jr. are at 433 Central.
It is possible that during this period the town renumbered ther
streets and that would account for the change in numbers.
We've hit a dead end at this point. Is Patrick on any earlier
census like 1870? Let us know if you have any other information
about him as to when he would have arrived here from Ireland.
What we know:
Our papers shows that Eustice, Doyle, O`Neal and Force are related
thru marriage some sort of way. We know that the Eustice
family comes from Ireland, but we don`t know which city or
county. Do you have the key to the missing link?
In New Jersey census, Westfield
township,Union county, 10th day
of august 1870. John O`Neal 50
years born Ireland, Mary
O’Neal 30 years born Ireland, Margaret 4
years born NY NewYork. Elizabeth
2 years born New Jersey.
Mary O’Neal is said to be
from Castlecomer Ireland?
is a John O’Neal arrivel date 10 jan. 1852 from Ireland ship
name Waterton, New York line 29.
- Margaret O`Neal born in New
York 1866 - daughter (died - 1923)
- Mary O`Neal born 1840 in
Ireland - mother. What is her maiden name and ++
- John O`Neal born 1820 in
Ireland - father. Which city or county in Ireland?
Margaret O’Neal married Thomas
Patrick Eustice.
Parents of John, Richard, "Thomas Patrick"
and William Eustice: (born between 1858 - 1867)
- Patrick Eustice born 1835 in Ireland
- Mary (Bridget) Eustice born 1835 in Ireland - not sure if her
name was Bridget?
Wants to know:
- Parents of Patrick Eustice + City or County in Ireland
- Parents of Mary (Bridget) Eustice + City or County in Ireland
Thomas Patrick Eustice is my fathers grandfather
Michael Eustice b.1898 is son of Richard Eustice b.1862
EY_39 Henry J
16 16 13 13 25 25 # # 15 15 # 15 # 14 # # # # # 11 # 26 # # 12 12
14 14 11 # 20 20 Henry John Australia
EY_54 Raymond
16 16 13 13 25 25 # # 15 15 # 15 # 14 # # # # # 11 # 26 # # 12 12
14 14 12 # 20 20 Raymond
16 16 13 13 25 25 # # 15 15 # 15 # 14 # # # # # 11 # 25 # # 12 12
14 14 11 # 20 20 James Eustace of Troy, NY
15 15 13 13 25 25 # # 15 15 # 15 # 14 # # # # # 11 # 25 # # 12 12
14 14 11 # 20 20 Bill Eustice R1a 94% Jones, Michigan